On January 3rd, 2008 I was scheduled to die. Those words just made my Mom cry to type.
Thank goodness so many nice people and God had different plans for me.
My food bowl stays full every day and as you can see I have filled out into a Big Beautiful Dog.
I play with my brother Aja every day. We do the Husky Rumble, then the open mouth game, then we practice stretching out on the living room furniture and we decorate every inch possible with Husky hair. Mom must like this part because she collects it every time we do it in this silly canister thing. Of course Aja and I are right on top of things and we jump back up immediately to make more hair for the humon.
Every night I get on the bed with Mom and I protect her from the monsters under the bed until she falls asleep and every morning, hours before the alarm is due to go off, I jump on Mom to wake her up. This prevents her from having a heart attack if the alarm were to awaken her.
We go for long walks in the neighborhood and I get to see Chucky, Chester, Rocco, Burt, Chief, and Duncan every day.
When Mom isn't looking I even play with the birds.
I am teaching my Mom and everyone I meet what life is really about. Love everyone and play as much as you can. :)
From the humom
My heart is so in love with Flurry. Each and every time I hug her and kiss her (which is a gazillion times a day) I know how much God blessed me when he delivered such a sweet puppy into my life.
So many people have thanked me over the last year and said that I was an angel for rescuing Flurry. You have it all wrong. I am just human...Flurry is the angel. :)
Mom is leaking -
She will nevFUR furget the pikhs of Flurry she furst saw -
And then the night of The Flurry Express!
ALL of our lives have been touched in many many ways by her and by her special humon!
My mum is leaking too. You are both so very lucky to have found each other! Happy gotcha day Flurry! Keep up the good work with the husky hair project.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Woo there Flurri~
We are so furri glad you found your furever home and that we can be a part of your life. We looked at your story earlier today and it will always be a miracle story. Told and retold about the goodness of most people and the amazing resilience of gentle souls like yourself.
Your pal,
Woo there Aja...gotta give a shout out to the big brother who loves her too!!
Congratulations Flurry - you adopted a great mom. As a house full of rescues, we know what it means to have a great home.
Our humom is leaking too, just like when she first saw your pictures & heard your story. We love seeing pictures of you & all your feathered & furry companions, woo have a furry special family!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
We love you, Flurry! And love your mom for believing in you. And Aja..... just because he's Aja. Woo.
You really ARE a Cinderella.
I remember following Flurry's story, and knew it was truly the most wonderful rescue ever! You are both angels, you and your mom!!
Home is definitely where the heart is!
Happy New Year Flurry! We are very happy your mom saved you and you are one extra special gal!
Steve and Kat
Flurry and Co: I read your story on Khyra's blog and felt so happy for you that everything turned out just the way it should. Perfect, just perfect!
I was a rescue too, spent three months in the slammer, but I wasn't sick like you. I was furry happy when my Mom found me!
It's 4am and my mom is leaking too...what a wonderful story...my mom has fostered and tried to help puppies, but there is just never enough...I am so glad that your story shows such a great ending! I wish every pup and kat would live such a great ending.
Mya Boo Boo
We all get leaky here whenever we see you in those pics from a year ago. But then the smiles beam right through when we see how far woo have come. Woo are a furry loved Flurry!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi there Flurry girl!
Just sniffin' on over from Khyra's bloggy to say hi.
What a wonderful success story you are! I know you love your mom as much as she loves you!!
we just barked over to say hello. We read about Flurry on Khyra's blog.
Love can move mountains, and also, give a wonderful dog the beautiful home she deserves.
love and many licks, from a Rescue Hound called Marvin xxxxxxx
Khyra sent us over to check you out. You sure are lucky to have such a wonderful mom that saw the real inner you and give you a chance. Hug HUGS mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy New Year to you and your mom!
Sure it was pawesome that you found each other!
Kisses and hugs
hellow there Flurry, Aja and mum!
we were lead to your bloggie by our good friend khyra..
we are so touched but what your mum said- that she was just human and flurry is the angel. we kept leaking throghout the post mainly because flurry's case tugged at something so close to our hearts.
first, manang has a very good friend we is taking care of 2 huskies now. she only rescued the 2 dogs from the inevitable death bec they were only left to eat whatever scraps the pitying hoomans would give them and probably drink rain water to quench their thirst. we would have loved to blog about it but the circumstances surrounding the rescue are too sensitive that we can't otherwise we will endanger both hooman and dogs. :(
secondly, mange is such a dreaded thing that manang encountered first hand when she went home over the holidays. i have 15 canine siblings living with her parents and some of them got mange. it was a good thing that it was not sarcoptic mange and treatment was more or less easy. now, our brothers are being treated deligently and they are slowly recovering back to good health.
we believe that we meet lots of angels in our lives. for us, you are angels who inspire other people to love and cherish life despite its many uncertainties.
we believe flurry and aja are angels in the life of their mum and family and their mum is the angel in their lives.
thank you so much for being an inspiration for dogs and animal lovers alike.
God Bless you all.
drooly kisses,
Aki, poopie and their manang
A truely beautiful story. What a very lucky family! My Mommy is leaking tears of joy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I'm a fwiend of Khywa's and came ovew to meet you..what a bootiful stowy wif a faboolous ending..Fluwwy , you awe bootiful and youw family is so wondewful and all of you awe lucky to have each othew..sometimes life is pawfect
smoochie kisses and a vewy happy ,Healthy NewYeaw to all of you
smoochie kisses Asta and Mommi
What a difference a year can make! And what a year you've had!
Kisses, KSB
Haroo Flurry and Aja!
We just read about woo on Khyra's blog and cruised on over to your blog. We think woo are both cool Sibes and woo have such a cool story....so sad yet so happy.....it did make our Mom cry.
Check out our blog sometime!
Prince, Summer & Sesuk - Team Husky
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